Whipstock Grange is an adults only school role-play corporal punishment club. We exist for all who love to dress as a schoolboy, schoolgirl or cross-dress, and live your fantasy in an authentic classroom in the presence of a strict schoolmistress. Naturally the wearing of school uniform is a must, if you don't have one you can hire or purchase from us, you can leave your uniform at school if you wish.
At Whipstock Grange good old fashioned punishments are administered to all pupils who misbehave, perform badly during lessons or displease the schoolmistress in any way! Pupils here also have the option of receiving punishment from the Headmaster as well as their teacher. Punishments include spanking, slipper, leather strap and the school cane, you may also receive light smacks on the top of your thighs. The schoolmistress will carry out punishments in front of the class, punishments by the Headmaster are administered in private in his study.

You can arrive from 9.30am allowing time to change into uniform, you will be expected to be seated at your desk by 10.15 for registration. Any pupil late will be given 6 strokes of the slipper and given a 'D' mark (detention). Detention punishments are given on your bare bottom at the end of school in private, 1 x 'D' mark means 12 strokes of the slipper, 2 x 'D' marks results in 12 strokes of the strap, if you collect three or more 'D' marks you will be caned. Detention canings are severe and you may expect a minimum of 12 strokes, if you can't take a hard caning then make sure not to collect more than 2 'D' marks as there is no turning back..
Playtime is at 11.30 for a 20min break then back to lessons until dinner time at 1pm. All pupils and teacher will be seated at the table for a 2 course meal and liquid refreshment. Afternoon class commences at 2.05pm, school ends at 4.30 those not on detention (if any ha!) may get changed for home or stay for a drink or two. Those on detention will sit in the headmaster’s office to write lines until summoned one at a time to return to the classroom to receive your thrashing from the schoolmistress. Punishments commence at 4.35 You may of course join the rest of us after for some much needed refreshment!!
The atmosphere at Whipstock Grange is strict but fairly light hearted. Your school mistress has a sense of humour and is tolerant of naughty behaviour up to a point, but she will not accept disobedience and enjoys putting naughty boys and girls over her lap, pants down for a good sound spanking! So if this is your fantasy then live it by joining us, it's a great escape from the world outside.
The Day School fees are as follows ....
Annual Membership (1st April, including 4 copies of the school magazine sent by email) £40    Day School Visit - whole day £170    Day School Visit - half day £120    Deposit £20    Uniform Hire £20
To join, please complete an enrolment form in one of three ways ...

  • To enrol on-line, click on the badge, fill in the details and click the 'Submit Application' button  
  • You may print a copy by clicking on printer and post to me with your subscription  
       (or right click on the printer icon to 'Save Target As' to your PC)
  • E-mail me at whipstockgrange@live.co.uk and I will e-mail or post you a copye-mail whipstockgrange@live.co.uk

    Spanking Schooldays .... where dreams can become a reality